Sunday, July 16, 2006


On the topic of toys...I personally think that as adults we haven't quite outgrown our childhood...

We all have our favourite toys and tales from childhood days. Some toys have still remained in our lives....and I won't say which ones... =)

My personal favourites from various periods of my child/teenage/adult life are:
  • Monty Python
  • Star Wars
  • Lego
  • Smurf
  • Winnie The Pooh
  • Transformers
  • Cabbage Patch Kids
  • Barbie

    You could get these mechandise from these online places:
  • Monty Python's Mini BobbleHeads
  • Smurf Collectibles
  • I really want one of these FX Light Sabers
  • I didn't know Gund makes ..Winnie the Pooh Plushies..Now I want one!
  • Advice: Best Forgotten and to be kept hidden in the dark or bring only if you must get one to scare kids away...Cabbage Patch Kids

    On the topic of Monty Python, it's heartening to know that the appeal and humour still holds after 32 years! Monty Python Revival's Broadway show Spamalot is currently doing its rounds in various countries. Can't wait for it to come down to Singapore or Malaysia or Australia!

    The movie makers down in Hollywood is making Transformer movie, which is scheduled to be completed in 2007!

    I love Lego! I even have a Harry Potter set and I was lego champ as a kid! Ok..that did sound quite nerdy....Oh cool! There is even Batman Lego! So so cool!Time to update lego collection....
    Lego is getting quite expensive nowadays too...Check out the Tie Collection

    Ooh...I could even search for images of Winnie the Pooh on Google! Cool....

  • 1 comment:

    yw said...

    Hey, no sweat. Try building/sewing yourself a Jedi costume. Then you'll have a reason to get the FX lightsabres. :) or Better still, build your own lightsabre.